2 Dumbbells, 15 Minutes, and 1 HIIT Workout to Rule Them All

Are there hectic days when exercise is at the rock bottom of your list of priorities despite how badly you want to make it to the gym? Exercising regularly can be impossible when you have work and a family to worry about first. 

HIIT workouts, however, can fit into even the tightest of schedules. Created to be quick and high intensity, they fit a full exercise session into just a few minutes. A HIIT workout doesn’t have to be complicated – they actually work better in short form and with little exercise equipment.

Workout Overview

The first move in each of the five stages of this workout lasts for 60 seconds, featuring a full range of motion. The workout’s second move is performed for only 30 seconds and gets results because you give it your absolute maximum effort. 

Perform the final move for just 15 seconds – easy, since it asks you to hold one position. Rest for 20 seconds in between moves before moving on to the next stage of the workout. Simple and fast! 

All you need for this HIIT workout is a pair of dumbbells in a medium weight that challenges but doesn’t strain your muscles.

Stage One

Renegade Row: 60 Seconds

Begin in a push-up position with your hands holding dumbbells on the floor your shoulder width apart. Your legs should be fully extended behind you just a little wider than your hips. 

Keeping your elbow close to your torso, pull it back and lift the dumbbell toward your chest. Avoid moving your hips by keeping your glutes and ab muscles tight. 

Lower the dumbbell and perform the same move with your left arm. Alternate the move from arm to arm for 60 seconds, then rest for 20 seconds.

Bent Over Row: 30 Seconds

Holding a dumbbell in each hand, down at your sides, stand up straight with your feet apart just at hip width. Tense the muscles in your core and bend forward from your hips, bending your knees slightly. 

Make sure that your back remains parallel to the floor throughout the exercise. This is your starting position. Keeping your elbows close to your torso again, pull the dumbbells to your chest and tighten the muscles around your shoulder blades for two seconds. 

Lower the dumbbells slowly back to the floor. Repeat this move for 30 seconds. Rest for 20 seconds before moving on.

Bent Over Row Hold: 15 Seconds

Begin with the same starting position as the Bent Over Row. Pull the dumbbells up in the same manner and hold the position with them held to your chest for the full 15 seconds. 

Rest for 20 seconds and you’re already done with Stage One!

Stage Two

Alternating Lateral Lunge: 60 Seconds

Begin with your feet positioned at hip width. Holding a dumbbell in each hand, lift them to rest on top of your shoulders with elbows bent and palms toward your head. Keeping your core muscles tight, bend your left knee and take a large step to your left. 

Carefully pull back to your starting upright position. Repeat the move with your right leg on the right side. Alternate sides for 60 seconds, then rest for 20 seconds before continuing.

Skater Hop: 30 Seconds

This exercise is performed without dumbbells. Start off with your feet apart at your shoulder width. Bending your knees just a little, jump as far to your left side as you can manage, starting with your left foot and pulling your right foot behind the left. 

You can swing your arms in the direction you jump to help yourself jump a greater distance, if you feel that you need to. Bend your knee slightly when you land on your left foot and hold your balance there for one second. 

Jump to the right, simply reversing the move to land on your right foot. Keep going back and forth for 30 seconds. Rest for 20 seconds before moving on.

Sumo Squat Hold: 15 Seconds

Start with your feet apart at your shoulder width again, also without dumbbells. This time, turn your toes outward a bit. 

You can keep your arms down by your sides or hold them together in front of your chest. Keeping your core muscles tight and your chest upright, go down into a balanced squat. 

Hold right there for 15 seconds. Rest for 20 seconds in whatever position you’re comfortable.

Stage Three

Dead Bug: 60 Seconds

Holding your dumbbells, lie face up on the floor with your arms stretched upward completely. Bring your knees up together to bend your legs at a 90 degree angle, positioned directly over your hips. 

This is your starting position for this exercise. Slowly move your right arm straight out over your head and at the same time extend your left leg completely, keeping both just off the floor. Hold this position for two seconds before pulling your leg and arm back to your starting position. 

Do the same for the opposite limbs, stretching your left arm and right leg. Alternate sides with this exercise for 60 seconds, then rest for 20 seconds.

Bicycle Crunch: 30 Seconds

Begin by laying face up on the floor with your hands behind your head without dumbbells. Holding your legs together, lift them a few inches off the floor. This is your starting position for this move. 

Twisting your torso, lift your right knee to meet your left elbow. Return to starting position before performing the move on the opposite side, lifting your left knee to meet your right elbow. 

Alternate sides slowly for 30 seconds, keeping your core muscles tight. Rest for 20 seconds.

Hollow Body Hold: 15 Seconds

This move is also performed without dumbbells. Lie down on the floor with your arms stretched straight above your head, upper arms held as close to your ears as you can, and your legs stretched out. 

Tense your abdominal muscles, squeeze your glutes and thighs together, and point your toes before lifting your legs a couple of inches off the floor. Lift your arms and shoulders off the floor, as well, being careful not to strain your neck muscles. 

Hold in this position for the full 15 seconds before resting for 20 seconds.

Stage Four

Alternating Reverse Lunge: 60 Seconds

Begin by standing up with your feet positioned just shoulder width apart. With dumbbells, relax your arms downward, palms toward your legs. Raise your left foot and take a step back, trying for a step of about two feet in length, touching the ball of your foot to the floor while keeping your heel up. 

Bend your knees until your left shin is as parallel to the floor as you can get it. Return to your standing position. Repeat the move with your right foot the same way. 

Continue slowly, alternating right and left for 60 seconds. Rest for 20 seconds before moving on to the next exercise.

Split Lunge Jump: 30 Seconds

Without holding your dumbbells, begin by standing with your feet together. Take a step about two feet back with your right foot, placing the ball of your foot on the floor while keeping your heel up. 

Bend your knees, getting your shin parallel to the floor as with the previous move, and hold your hands in front of your chest. From this position, jump straight up. You can swing your arms downward to attempt greater height. 

When coming down, try to land in the same lunge position, and jump straight up again right away. 

Perform the move for 15 seconds on only one side, then perform it on the other side for the last 15 seconds. Rest for 20 seconds.

Lunge Hold: 15 Seconds

Begin as above, with your feet positioned a shoulder width apart. Clasp your hands at your chest. Step backward with your left foot, aiming for about two feet. 

As in the previous two moves, place the ball of your foot on the floor but keep your heel up. Bending your knees, get your shin as parallel to the floor as you can, and keep your back straight. 

Simply hold this position for 7.5 seconds, then change sides and hold for 7.5 seconds again. Rest for 20 seconds before continuing to the last stage.

Stage Five

Push-Ups: 60 Seconds

Without dumbbells, start off with your hands flat on the floor, placed shoulder width apart. Stretch your legs behind you, keeping your core muscles tight to hold yourself up completely. 

Bending your elbows, lower your body, never touching the floor but remaining a couple of inches above it. 

If needed, you can place your knees on the floor instead of stretching your legs completely out behind you. Push your body up until your arms are straight. 

Repeat this move slowly for 60 seconds, then rest for 20 seconds before moving on.

Burpees: 30 Seconds

Once again without your dumbbells, stand up straight with your feet placed shoulder width apart. Let your arms relax downward. 

Squatting, extend your arms to rest your hands flat on the floor about shoulder width apart, and kick your legs out behind you as if doing a push-up. Bending your elbows, lower your body, also as though performing a push-up. 

Quickly push off from the floor with your hands, jumping up to get your feet under you again, ending in the squatting position. 

Jumping once more, stretch your arms overhead. Continue through this full move for 30 seconds. Rest for 20 seconds.

Triceps Push-Up Hold: 15 Seconds

Starting with your hands flat on the floor and legs extended as though performing a push-up, tighten your core muscles. 

Keeping your elbows as close to your torso as you can, bend them, lowering your body just above the floor to the lower push-up position. 

Hold there for the full 15 seconds. Your workout is finished!

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