Fastest Way to Heal Plantar Fasciitis: The Top 6 Methods 

Plantar Fasciitis is inflammation in the tissue at the bottom of our feet. It can cause discomfort and pain in the bottom of your foot or heel, and it is a common ailment for runners, as well as anyone who has flat feet. Others who typically suffer from plantar fasciitis are those who are overweight, on their feet for long periods or have high arches.

If you have plantar fasciitis, then it can take a total of six to twelve months to feel fully back to normal. However, knowing the fastest way to heal plantar fasciitis can speed up the healing in your foot and can even ease your pain long before you are fully healed.

Fastest Way to Heal Plantar Fasciitis

1. Use Shoe Inserts

Shoe inserts can be referred to as orthotics, arch supports, or insoles. They give you some added support and comfort and fit right inside your shoe. You can either purchase them over the counter or have them specially made just for you. To purchase ones that are more likely to be effective, choose inserts that are firmer and will provide good support in the arch of your foot.

2. Athletic Tape

Using athletic tape to give your foot better support can help heal your plantar fasciitis faster. This is because the proper placement of the tape can mean that you will not move your foot in a way that worsens the condition.

3. Use Night Splints

It is pretty common to sleep with your feet pointed down. However, that can actually make your plantar fasciitis worse, lengthening your recovery time. That is because with your feet pointed down, your plantar fascia is shortened, as is your Achilles tendon.

Wearing night splints can remedy this. You wear them while sleeping, and they keep your feet positioned at a 90-degree angle. Not only do you not shorten the plantar fascia this way, but you actually stretch it. This can also help you feel less pain when you wake in the morning. Night splints can be a little bit bulky, but you will likely get used to them.

4. Use Heel Cups

Heel cups can fit right inside your shoes. They can help bring your heels up a bit so that you get some added cushion. They also relieve tension. When you walk, your heel strikes the ground with every step and can put a great deal of tension on your plantar fascia.

Heel cups are not quite as effective as inserts, but they are a pretty inexpensive option for healing plantar fasciitis.

5. Ice Your Feet

You can roll your foot right over an extremely cold or frozen water bottle. It is best to do so for five minutes at a time. You can also put an ice pack on the bottom of your foot for up to 15 minutes a maximum of three times a day. It is also a good idea to use ice, following any physical activity. You can also use ice after you have been sitting or standing for long periods.

6. Effective Stretching

There are a whole host of stretches you can perform that can lead to the fastest way to heal plantar fasciitis.

Calf Stretches

The pain associated with plantar fasciitis can be worsened when there is additional tightness in the calf or foot. Stretching the calf muscle can help alleviate that tightness. To stretch your calf, follow these steps:

  • Stand arm’s length away from a wall with your hands leaning against it.
  • Straighten the leg that hast the tightness and bend the other one.
  • Make sure both feet stay flat on the ground.
  • Hold the stretch for 10 seconds.
  • Repeat the stretch a few times before switching legs, if needed.

Stretch out the plantar fascia 

You can alleviate some of the tightness in your plantar fascia specifically, which can help alleviate some of the pain you experience. To do so, follow these steps:

  • Cross your heel over the opposite leg.
  • Hold the foot with your opposing hand.
  • Grab your toes and pull them toward the shin.
  • Put your other hand on the bottom of your foot. This will help you feel the stretch.
  • Hold the stretch for a total of 10 seconds.
  • Repeat the full stretch a few times and then switch feet.

Rolling stretches 

Put something round beneath your foot. Roll it back and forth to help untighten the muscles of your foot. For this exercise, there are a few items around your house that you can use that work well. Try a golf ball, filled water bottle or foam roller. You only need to stretch each foot for two minutes at a time.


Plantar fasciitis can be uncomfortable, even painful. However, you do not have to suffer. Knowing the fastest way to heal your plantar fasciitis can get you comfortably back on your feet in no time. With these six reliable home remedies, you can alleviate some of your discomforts, healing you quicker, and getting you back to your physical routine.

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